On the 25th May the General Data Protection Regulation, known as GDPR, came into effect. GDPR imposes additional obligations on businesses and gives you extra rights on how your information is used. We would like to inform you that we respect the information we hold about you, we take the security of your information seriously and we will never sell your personal details onto a third party.
We have updated our Privacy Notice to give you more details on the information we hold about you, what we do with that information, who we share your information with and your new rights under GDPR.
We have previously received your consent to receive marketing correspondence from us and subsequently you should be receiving marketing communication to inform you of any changes, new products or our monthly offers.
You have the right to object or unsubscribe at any time to your details being used in this way and if you would like your details removed from our database, please let us know by either e-mailing info@devere-estates.com or select unsubscribe at the bottom of this email.
We hope you will continue to utilise the management and letting services we provide as well as taking advantage of our monthly offers.
Best Wishes,
Paul Alexandrou