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Apart From New Legislation, It’s A Case Of Deja Vu

We have always been very diligent when dealing with the rental of your properties here at Devere Letting Bureau and I have written before about the importance in finding the right tenant. Gut Feeling isn’t a bad instinct to follow. Although we have always adhered to this as a company, from 1 February 2016, all…

We’ve Moved!

After 23 years at 226 High Street, we’ve made the long move over to 175 High Street. It has been a busy time for us, although it has been a little quieter than usual this summer as, like the rest of us, many tenants, (both new and existing) are uncertain of what Brexit will eventually…

Happy New Year.

Happy New Year from us all at Devere Letting Bureau. I don’t know about you, but as ever, I have made New Year Resolutions and this time I hope to be sticking with most of them. So far I am doing quite well… But there again it is only the 13th Day of January, so…

Post Brexit, We now seem a bit busier…

Which is a bit of relief for us here at Devere Letting Bureau. There was plenty of speculation about how the property market would be affected by a Leave vote in the lead up to the Brexit referendum, but all I know is that we were having a far quieter Spring than normal. There did…

Last Month…

Last month, I left you with feelings of Deja Vu but looking at the current level of business we have done in March, I’m quite pleased to see a significant increase in business compared with March 2015. My only rants this month is are on-going one’s – the lack of available properties, (some landlords continue…